Happy group of students walking together


Donors FAQs

If the project does not reach its goal, the Project Champion will have the choice to move ahead with the project with the monies they have raised. If they decide not to go ahead with the project, the funds raised will be directed to a fund in the same area of interest.

If the project does not have a specific need for the extra funds it raises, the extra money will be directed to a fund in the same area of interest.

No. We respect the privacy of our donors and don’t publish their information, except on a case-by-case basis. We will only publish the amount the fund has reached.

We will contact all donors after the project closes to advise them of the status of the campaign.

Please email Foundation@viu.ca or call our Advancement office at 250.740.6217.

Project Champions FAQs

All campaigns on AIM Together must support some aspect of teaching, learning, wellness and quality of life at VIU. The campaign cannot raise funds for other charities or political parties/candidates.

All campaigns will have 30 days to raise their funding goal, so please time your submissions wisely.

The Vancouver Island University Foundation is a registered charity. As such, submitted projects must meet the following charitable requirements:

  • Funds raised are to help other people or projects, but not a specific individual.
  • All donations are voluntary, with no expectation of benefit to the donor.
  • The VIU Foundation will email a tax receipt directly to the donors for all donations made through AIM Together.
    • If there is a sponsorship opportunity that offers a benefit (such as promoting a brand or tickets to an event), please contact the Advancement department to make these arrangements.

Campaigns should range between $500 and $10,000. Campaigns with a goal greater than $10,000 will require additional information.

Any member of our VIU Community can be a Project Champion: students, faculty, staff, alumni, or a supportive community member. The Project Champion is the spokesperson for the campaign from beginning to end.

VIU Students: You must get permission from your faculty dean before we can approve your campaign. Please download the

, complete it and get it signed by your dean. For the “Proposed Donor” write “AIM Together.” Don’t worry about the dates. Add your funding goal and the purpose for the funds. Attach the form with your AIM submission or drop it off at University Relations (Building 310) after submitting your campaign.

AIM Together is a tool to facilitate the fundraising for projects that support VIU and our students. Project Champions are the passionate heroes behind every campaign, planning to get them off the ground, promoting them, networking with potential donors, and ensuring they deliver on campaign goals and activities.

  • Share. Use your social media outlets to promote your project and get the word out.
  • Give. Make your own personal gift to put your money where your project is.
  • Update. Send us updated photos and testimonials and we’ll freshen up your page.
  • Steward. Once your campaign is over, keep us and your social network updated on its success. Donors will feel good about their contribution and are more likely to give again.

Thanks for reading about AIM Together. Your interest matters to our community.

VIU Foundation

Foundation@viu.ca | 250.740.6617

Charitable Registration 88733 3482 RR0001