A gift made to VIU is a great way to support support our students, faculties, and community programs. You can make a one-time gift, or a recurring monthly gifts. Make a gift using our online portal.

Options include:

  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Credit Card

Please make cheques payable to Vancouver Island University Foundation.

Vancouver Island University
Building 310 - 900 Fifth Street
Nanaimo, BC  V9R 5S5

Phone: 250.740.6217 | 1.888.920.2221

Charitable Registration # 88733 3482 RR0001

Have you considered making the gift of a lifetime? Let us help you develop your legacy at VIU. Some options include:

  • Bequest
  • RRSP and RRIF
  • Annuity and Trust
  • Other
Leaving a Legacy (111.27 KB)

Estate and planned giving professionals have partnered with Vancouver Island University (VIU) to help guide you fulfill your charitable giving wishes. 

We have developed

Bequest Language (66.75 KB)

 to assist you in your conversations with your financial and legal advisors.

Phone: 250.740.6217

Making a gift in memory of a loved one or to honour an accomplishment or milestone is a meaningful way to create a lasting legacy at VIU. We would love to help you through the process.

Phone: 250.740.6217

Revenue Canada has now removed the capital gains tax on gifts of qualified stock to charities, making this an even more attractive way to give. Let us help you navigate the process.

Gift of Shares Form

Phone: 250.740.6217

Real Estate

Gifts of real estate can be made directly to VIU at any time. VIU will sell the piece and use the proceeds to fund student awards or other institutional priorities.

Realty Referral

Selling your home? Why not use one of the licensed realtors from VIU's Realty Support Project and make a gift to the university? Your realtor will donate 25% of their commission to VIU in your name. You can even choose the program you wish to support.

Advancement and Alumni Relations | Foundation@viu.ca

Rob Grey, Rob Grey Realty | Dave Hammond, Re/Max of Nanaimo | Ken Hammer, Re/Max of Nanaimo

There are many options for in-kind gifts. Let us help you determine whether your property is suitable for a donation to VIU. Some options include:

  • Art
  • Equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Other


Payroll Deduction

Vancouver Island University employees can contribute on a monthly basis to almost any area of the university through a payroll deduction.

You can now sign up for payroll deduction through the VIU Employee Portal.



VIU staff can support students through the bi-weekly 50-50 draw. Half of the proceeds go to the VIU Staff Award Fund which provides awards to students of $1,000, and the other half is a prize given to the employee who wins the draw. Currently the prize averages $1,200 each payday. McLotto is licensed by the BC Gaming Commission.

You can now sign up for McLotto through the VIU Employee Portal.


BC Gaming Event License # 149110 (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025)


  • McLotto is a payroll 50/50 draw in which all VIU staff who are 19 years or older are invited to play. Employees are invited to buy between 1 and 20 tickets for a chance to win.  Tickets are $1.00 each and are deducted automatically from payroll.  The draw is held on VIU paydays with half the proceeds going to the winner, and the other half supporting VIU students through scholarships or bursaries.  Tickets are non-refundable.  The odds of winning will vary depending on the actual number of tickets purchased.  For a full list of draw dates see the VIU payroll calendar available on Unit 4.
  • You can join or renew through your secure VIU employee sign on in Unit 4. See Instructions to Join McLotto.   By signing up you authorize the VIU Payroll to deduct the cost of your McLotto tickets ($1.00/ticket) from your payroll until March 31, 2025.   All McLotto players are required to renew their pledge each year, with all ticket sales taking place in British Columbia.  Ticket numbers are assigned by the VIU Payroll system. You can make changes or terminate your deductions at any time.
  • The Advancement and Alumni Office is responsible for maintaining the appropriate financial controls and records. Staff of the Advancement and Alumni Office are not eligible to participate in the lottery.

Prize Draw

  • A ticket worksheet is generated by VIU payroll before each draw for each pay period and sent to the Advancement and Alumni department 24 hours before the draw. 
  • The draw takes place at 10:00am on each draw day.  A four-digit number is drawn from a manual 4-barrell bingo machine 
  • The bingo machine consists of a system of 4 containers or barrels, the first has 4 small balls numbered 0 to 3. The remaining 3 each have 10 small balls numbered 0 to 9. Each container has a handle which is turned to rotate the container, mixing the balls, and delivering a single randomly chosen ball to a receptacle where its number can be read.  The numbers drawn represent the winning ticket number.
  • For prizes valued at $1,000 or more, the draw is overseen by the Executive Director of the Foundation or a designated representative. All draws are witnessed by a second individual and are conducted at the office of Advancement and Alumni at the VIU Nanaimo Campus, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo BC, V9R 5S5.  All members of the public are welcome to attend the draw at this location. The winner does not have to be present at the draw to win.
  • Every effort will be made to conduct the draw at the designed time: 10:00am on draw days. 

Prize Distribution

  • The winner will be notified via email and will be required to sign a winner’s form and to share their address, email, and phone number.  They will receive their winnings by cheque once the signed winner’s form is received by the Advancement and Alumni Department. The VIU Foundation does not sell or exchange any personal information collected.
  • Unclaimed prizes are kept in a secured placed for a period of one year from the date of the draw.


  • A campus wide email notification announcing the winner will go out to all staff after the winner has been notified.


  • For questions or changes to your McLotto deduction level please contact Payroll@viu.ca
  • For other questions about McLotto, please contact the Advancement and Alumni Office at Foundation@viu.ca.
  • Free prevention, treatment and support services are provided by the Government of BC for anyone struggling with their gambling. Information can be found at Gambling Support BC or 1.888.795.6111.
  • Complaints about the conduct and management of gaming events may be submitted, in writing, to the GPEB

Milner Gardens & Woodland Legacy Endowment Fund

A new legacy fund in honour of the late Dr. Craig Clarke has been created to support Milner Gardens & Woodland. A longtime supporter of the gardens, it was Dr. Clarke's wish to support Milner for the long term. If you are able, please contribute today.

Support the Milner Gardens & Woodland Fund

Foundation@viu.ca | 250.740.6217

Charitable Registration Number: 88733 3482 RR0001