100% of your donation supports students at VIU.
support academic excellence
remove financial barriers to education
tailored to a specific area
Your support means so much.
Gifts in support of students allow us to provide much needed financial assistance as they pursue their educational goals. Your gift will have an immediate and meaningful impact on a student’s life, allowing many to remain in school and achieve their goals. You even have the option to name your form of support, thereby creating your legacy at VIU, honour a milestone, or remember a loved one. We're here to help you navigate the process.
Contact Foundation@viu.ca
Ways to Give
Learn more about the many different ways you can give in support of students.
Current Donor-Funded Awards
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we offer over 2,000 awards, scholarships, and bursaries annually to our students!
View a complete list of Awards.
Grow the gift
Ensure Milner Gardens is enjoyed by future generations through support in your will, or consider making a donation today.
Geoff.Ball@viu.ca | 250.752.8573
Foundation@viu.ca | 250.740.6217
Charitable Registration Number: 88733 3482 RR0001