Happy group of students walking together

Creating Your Campaign

Interested in posting your campaign to AIM Together? Great! Here’s everything you need to know.

We recommend that you read all the information below before starting.

1. Prepare a simple plan. It doesn’t have to be long or elaborate. Use bullet points. And, yes, it can be written on a napkin (although we would recommend a clean one). Be as specific as possible.


  • a name for your campaign
  • a brief description of the project
  • a simple budget (supplies, travel, meals, salaries, advertising, displays, etc.)
  • existing donors, if you have any, and relevant funding information (for instance, availability of matching funds)
  • your funding goal – must be a minimum of $500 and under $10,000 (projects over $10,000 will require a more detailed plan)
  • a timeline - when your project starts and ends, and when you need the funds (optional: if it's helpful for your, you can create a timeline using the table found .
  • the people, VIU departments and organizations involved
  • the results expected – your goal for this campaign
  • why this project is important – the impact it will have on the people involved, on VIU, and on the community
  • your marketing and social media plan (click here for information on how to create a simple plan) – IMPORTANT: The key to your campaign’s success lies in this plan!

2. The 30% rule. Crowdfunding has a much higher rate of success when you raise at least 30% of your funding goal before you launch your campaign.

  • As the Project Champion, you must make the first contribution to your campaign. (After all, if you don’t support it, who will?)
  • Talk to your personal networks – friends and family – about your campaign. Ask them to help get your project off the ground.

3. Complete the Campaign Form that describes your campaign. Once your plan is ready, click on the link at the bottom of this page and complete the Campaign Form. Use the information from your plan (see, there is a point to all that writing). Don’t forget to complete every section or we will not be able to move ahead with your submission.

If your submission is chosen, the information from this form will be used to create your campaign post. Read all the instructions and make sure your answers are complete and well written.

4. We review your submission. While we recognize that all initiatives offer great impact, we will typically limit AIM Together to 10 active projects. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on multiple criteria, including (but not limited to) project timing and your well thought-out marketing plan.

5. You are advised of the result. We will email you with a decision as to whether or not we will post your campaign and our expected timeline. If we are moving ahead with your campaign, we will use the information you submitted in your form. If, unfortunately, we cannot move ahead with your campaign at this time, you are welcome to try again at a later date.

Creating a Simple Marketing and Social Media Plan

Your social media plan doesn't have to be overly complicated. It should include the basics:


What do you want to achieve with this marketing and social media campaign? Be specific.

For instance:

  • Tell all my family and friends in my network about my climate change symposium and my campaign page.
  • Promote my art project to 30 local artists who will contribute $25 each.

Target Audiences

Who do you want to reach with this campaign?

Example audiences:

  • My family and friends
  • Artists in Nanaimo between the ages of 18 and 30
    • Especially those interested in graphic novels


List the marketing/media channels you think your target audiences use the most.

Channel: A way that information, a product or a service is distributed. In this case: newspapers, websites, social media, word of mouth, posters, email, etc.

For instance:

  • Family

Facebook, email, word of mouth

  • Friends

Snapchat, Instagram, word of mouth

  • Artists in Nanaimo

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, word of mouth

VIU classes, article in Navigator

poster at Curious Comics, direct emails

Key Messages

What’s the main message you want to communicate about your campaign? Focus on 1-2 points max.

For instance:

  • Family and Friends

Support the science of climate change

Check out my campaign page

  • Artists in Nanaimo

Art for social change

All it takes is $25 each

Create Engaging Content

Use your key messages to create images, posts, messages, articles, interviews, videos and/or elevator pitches to sell your campaign.

Think about information that got your attention. Why did it appeal to you? Why do you remember it?

Be brief and clear. Focus on your key messages, your goals and the impact your campaign will have. It doesn’t have to be complicated. KISS – Keep It Simple and Straightforward.

Review your material and ask yourself: would I support this? Ask a few friends or family members for their feedback.


Do it. Get ‘er done!

Repeat, repeat, repeat. The most successful campaigns are the ones that people see over and over again.

Ready? Complete the Campaign Form

Your ideas matter. We want to hear them!

VIU Foundation

Foundation@viu.ca | 250.740.6617

Charitable Registration 88733 3482 RR0001